Personalized 1:1 Career Coaching Offering

What the First Coaching Session Includes:

1) Personalized Assessment: an analysis of your current situation and career goals.

2) Market Insight: Overview of the German job market in your specific field.

3) Salary Expectations: Information on salary ranges you can expect in your area of interest.

4) Employer Requirements: Insights into what employers in your field are usually looking for in candidates.

5) Answering Questions: Ample time dedicated to addressing any queries you may have.

6) Brainstorming: Identifying your next steps and formulating an actionable plan.

7) Valuable Tips: Practical advice to boost your chances in the job market.

8) Sharing Personal Experience: Anecdotes and real-world examples to provide a nuanced understanding.

9) Action Plan: A final summary of the action plan tailored for you.


What the First Coaching Session Doesn’t Include:

1) Job Guarantee: While the coaching sessions aims to improve your job prospects, it does not guarantee job placement.

2) Hands-On Application Support: The coaching session is advisory in nature; actual job application tasks (e.g., resume writing, interview practice) are not covered unless specifically requested at an additional cost.

3) Legal Advice: Any information provided should not be considered as legal or contractual advice.

4) Long-Term Commitment: The coaching session is a one-time session, with no ongoing support unless separately arranged.

5) Instant Results: Achieving your career goals is a process; the coaching session is the first step and not an immediate solution.

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